Thursday, March 15, 2007

First Bounce Fly and the NCAA Tourney

Attention, loyal swagites: I am now going to be blogging for a new sports website called First Bounce Fly. Now you have extra opportunities to lap up the Cap'n's wisdom. Now don't wig out, of course I'll still be running the Sport Swag, and I will not slow my posting regimen even a jot. Not one tittle I tell you. There will now just be double the Cap'n to go around. For starters, I'll be covering some NCAA Tournament games. And as you all well know, College Sports and I go way back. We have a long illustrious relationship, mostly comprised of me trying to conclusively prove that the college kids can't hold a candle to the pros. I feel satisfied that this ground has been tread on enough, so since I can't beat them, I will now join them. Head over to the FBF starting tonight for all the Cap'n cavorting you can handle, and some rundowns on today's action.

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