Thursday, March 1, 2007

Here Comes The Wahmbulance

WAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAH! Could I have a Whineken with a side of French Cries?
WTF is T-Mac thinking? Security? Security from what? The thing that most threatens T-Mac about next year's All Star Game in New Orleans is me. That's because when a multi millionaire with enough means to field a small army of security detail is scared for no reason, we might as well make him scared for real. I plan on flying down to the game and walking around behind him with a giant sign that reads "watch your back, T-Mac."

From the same article:
"Law enforcement officials were kept busy during this year's All-Star Weekend. Las Vegas police reported 403 arrests and four shootings, including three people shot in an incident allegedly involving NFL player Adam "Pacman" Jones. While there were no arrests at the NBA players' hotel, several players have said they did not feel safe to leave the hotel or official events."

Sounds like Vegas was alot LESS safe then NO in my opinion. Why did you attend this year's Tracy? Maybe you're willing to risk lawlessness when you realize you can get a happy ending on the side legally, get drunk at a craps table for free, or suck balls in the All Star Game and have nobody care.
Grow a sack T-MAC.




Embarcadero Baumberg said...
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Embarcadero Baumberg said...

Haven't seen 2 non-Cap'n posts in a row yet. I like it. I also agree T-Mac is opening an unnecessary convo by bringing this up a year in advance. First, hopefully a year from now NO will be in a year's better shape than right now. Second, Slop's right, as long as PacMan Jones doesn't follow TMac around, the odds on him getting shot up shouldn't be significantly higher than they were this year in Beirut- er, I mean, Las Vegas. Besides, the chances TMac will be healthy enough to even play in the All Star game next year make me wanna call my bookie.

ball hog said...

whaaambulance is harsh. i kinda agree with T-mac. new orleans' police track record with people of the non-white variety is sketchy at best. new orleans is one of the most crime and poverty stricken cities. a year and you think their problems will be fixed? i would be worried.
but i would also hang at any strip club that Pacman is at. $81,000 thrown at the stage?!?! sheeet...i'll strip. Is pacman his father or is miss pacman his mother? The whole hyphenated last name thing gets confusing.